Margin Excellence™ – Copy

The M³ Model™: The full Power of Margin.

What We Do

Achieving margin targets is vital for gaining and sustaining competitive advantage, but also more challenging than ever.

Margin Excellence™ is the alignment of insight, operational activities and transformation to achieve the full power of your profitability. Our M³ Model™ delivers the tools, capabilities and processes to reach Margin Excellence™ and consists of Margin Intelligence, Margin Assurance & Recovery and Margin-Led Delivery.

As a first step on the journey, we partner with our clients to carry out our short MarginSIX™ maturity assessment.

We Can Help With:

Margin Intelligence

Empower all parts of your organisation with detailed margin insight.

We build bespoke and granular margin and lifetime value models that provide powerful insight enabling you to take confident decisions that improve margin performance. Our models are designed to be used across all areas of an organisation including customer service representatives, financial analysts and data teams.

Margin Assurance & Recovery

Implement margin resilience into your operations.

Expected margin is eroded by operational issues and exceptions such as the incorrect implementation of pricing, unbilled services and inaccurate payments to suppliers. Global studies show that in telecoms this can be up to 1.5% of revenue and across utilities this ranges from 3 – 5%.  We protect and recover margin at every step of the customer, product and supplier lifecycle.

Margin-Led Delivery

Transform your performance based on margin insight.

We partner with our clients to deliver transformation driven by margin insight. We do this in two ways:

  • Margin Centric Transformation – change through the lens of margin
  • Zero-Based Transformation – reimagining your cost base


Our clients often want clarity on where they are in their journey towards Margin Excellence™. MarginSIX™, our core metrics approach, identifies the six critical margin factors that will drive excellence and utilises a maturity scale to establish key priorities.

We offer MarginSIX™ as a short upfront solution to enable our clients to define a margin roadmap, or ahead of a larger programme to identify and prioritise the most impactful solutions.



To explore further, please do get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.